Today I have a lot on my mind. Therefore it is published into several updates.
I am no ordinary journalist. I use many metaphors and create different roles in what I write. It probably feels unfamiliar and strange to many, but there are many good reasons why I have chosen this form. I will also refine this in the time to come. Therefore, I will now explain a little about why I communicate differently.
The reason I started this newspaper is that I experienced being censored in the summer of 2021. I know that it is difficult for many to understand, because the vast majority believe that we live in a society with freedom of expression, free dissemination of information and freedom of the press. I thought so too, until I experienced the opposite. It was an absolutely terrible experience to experience censorship, because my whole image of reality was demolished. I felt it physically like a fist right in the solar plexus. Mentally, it felt as if the entire floor fell beneath me, while the ceiling above me gave way and followed me down into the abyss.
This feeling, and the process in the brain that causes the feeling, is called in the technical language "cognitive dissonance". It is a mental state that occurs when the individual's truth is confronted by a new one, which means that the old one must be discarded. It is an unpleasant process because one is forced to see the consequences of the "truth" that turned out to be false.
Collision in the brain
The discomfort increases proportionally according to how deeply involved one has been in the old "truth". If the old truth implies that one recognizes that one has harmed others, indirectly or directly, the inevitable consequence is that the feeling of responsibility arises. If it is only a matter of trifles, it is not so difficult to take responsibility and sort out what is possible to fix. If, on the other hand, it means that one has to take responsibility for an enormous injustice, it could mean that the brain simply shuts down because it becomes too painful to consider one's own thoughts, words and actions in the light of the new truth.
However, I did not shut down. It's not like I've hurt others on purpose, but in retrospect I see that I've contributed to it anyway - even if that was never the intention. I'll come back to that point, but first:
When it happened, I never doubted that I would work for the truth to come out. No matter how painful it would be, no matter how I would be greeted by others, no matter how much resistance and how great the challenges I would face, there was a voice inside me that said: "I will NEVER give up!".
And when I set my mind to something, I always do it. Without exception!
Censorship = Dark rooms
The thing is, of course, that censorship means that you will be silenced to death. The case, which was censored, was eventually published after public pressure. However, it was not only that case that was tried to be hushed up. I will not elaborate further here, but will tell more about how I handled the situation to get closer to the truth.
The fundamental question I had to find an answer to was why. I also became curious as to how it could happen, as well as what the underlying causal conditions could be. And not least: When something is kept hidden, which is the natural consequence of censorship, it means that there are unlit spaces in our society. In other words: What consequences has the censorship had for the individual and society at large?
It is in the nature of the matter that it would be difficult to document these dark rooms. Therefore, I also expected to meet great resistance because there are those responsible who do not want the truth to come out. The reason is naturally that they fear having to be held responsible for misdeeds committed in dark rooms.
The tip of the iceberg
As I started to dig into all of this, the pain got worse and worse. The deeper into the matter I got, the more terrified I became. Yes, the horror. I was simply terrified as the puzzle pieces fell into place in the new picture of reality. What I first thought was a single case turned out to be just the tip of the iceberg. But as a truth-seeker I couldn't help but follow my intuition. Wherever it would lead me.
No matter how painful and dark the truth that hides in the dark rooms is: The truth MUST come out! Because it concerns us all.
Lessons learned along the way
As already mentioned, I discovered more and more that scared me terribly. During this phase, I frantically tried to warn others, which turned out to be easier said than done. In retrospect, I understand why. The reason is that I confronted others, without it being intended as provocation, with fragments of truth that seemed completely absurd to them. I pushed my truth on them, unprepared. Moreover, it would involve enormous challenges for them to accept the new, in that they would also have to acknowledge the consequences of the understanding of reality that they would eventually have to reject by accepting the new. So when I pushed this on them, I helped create cognitive dissonance - which I know is terribly painful.
I gradually realized that it is much better to make it easier for the people who want to know the truth to find it on their own terms. Therefore, I worked quietly for myself, while at the same time gaining valuable experience that I can pass on to you and anyone else who will listen. I make no secret of the fact that it was a lonely and tough process to figure everything out by myself, without any kind of support.
I have decided to share these experiences publicly. The reason for that is that I know it will mean a lot to many people to read about this - before they decide whether they want to follow, read, see and hear what I will publish in the future. At the same time, it could mean a lot to people who have already been through the same thing as me. Because it feels good to know that you are not alone in having survived (yes, you read correctly) some of the same things as me.
Meaning in the meaningless
I have realized that my pain, and my experiences, are like little jewels that I can put into practice to make it easier for others to get through the same process, as a whole person, even if it hurts. Therefore, I gradually began to think that all the experiences I have gained throughout my life, from when I was a child until today, are in no way wasted if I can use these to help others. I have experienced a lot of trauma and pain that I have experienced as totally meaningless.
From the day I started publishing in my own online newspaper, I began to fill all the nonsense with the essence of what I have learned. In this way, I transmute the meaningless into something very meaningful because I can guide those who want it towards truth, while at the same time I can give very specific tips on how the individual can get through it psychologically. Some people don't want to go through that process, and that's perfectly fine. That's why I'm writing it quite explicitly here, now, so that those who just don't want to have the opportunity to let go.
At the same time, you should know that I have spent a great deal of time finding the right way to convey, in order to leave as much as possible to the individual reader how little or how much of the fragments of truth they want to accept. Everything I produce for the public will have several layers of information. The story I tell out loud doesn't hit as hard as the other layers. I link in music and source references that the individual can use their own free will to click on, if they wish. None of these source references are complete. That's why I often use "puzzle piece" as a metaphor to emphasize that point. These are pieces of fragments of truth that I am one hundred percent sure lead in the direction of truth.
Source criticism for everyone
However, it is important for me to clarify that not everything in all the source references is 100 percent true. However, I am linking them because I know that the fragments of truth are so relevant that they are important to include anyway.
This is also an important point in isolation. Because when I started searching for the truth, I had to learn new forms of source criticism that I didn't have much practice with before. Also, as I have learned it myself, I can explain this in an educational way so that I make it easier for my readers to learn the same techniques. It's not that hard, you see. It just requires you to be truth-seeking, to be brave and to want to know what is hiding in the unlit rooms of our society - even if it hurts.
As I have gone through this "the hard way", I can share my experiences so that you don't have to go through it with the same degree of loneliness, fear, despair, anger and sadness as I did. I can therefore guide you towards the truth, but always make sure that nothing is pushed on you. You decide when and what you want to click on. At the same time, you should know that I will do everything I can to ensure that you get as soft a landing as possible.
I can also promise you an extra bonus when you come out the other end and have acknowledged, accepted and integrated the new reality. The really big prize is that you will get to know better, and gain a deeper understanding of, yourself, your history, your triggers and what prevents you from unfolding in life, at the same time. In parallel, humanity will break down barriers and find its way back to each other. If you promise yourself to go into this process with complete honesty, I can guarantee that at the other end you will recognize:
“WOW! It was SO worth it.”
In the next update I'll share more details.
I cannot be bought
Journalism, universal knowledge and insight must be shared for free to ensure that everybody have access to such information.
I greatly appreciate voluntary donations as it is these that ensure my ability to continue the work.
I do not receive state support/press support, advertisements, sponsors or subscription solutions because my integrity is crucial. I also don't accept news tips because I don't like being pushed. It's part of the concept.
All my content can be passed on and refined, as long as it follows the win-win concept and my donation solution is included in the presentation