Dear fellow human beings!
We live in a divided world and it looks dark right now. Humanity has preyed on everything, everyone and itself for thousands of years, and is on the brink of self-annihilation.
This is a historic moment
This time, however, the source will not allow that to happen. Yes, you read that right:
Not this time.
This is the seventh time humanity is in a similar situation. All the rise and fall of civilizations on earth are cycles of humanity's evolutionary process.
For many it is difficult to understand as the time of each of their incarnations on earth is vanishingly short in the history of the universe. Yes, because you have of course lived many lives on earth. It can be easily explained and proven scientifically. Energy cannot be created or deleted, it can only take another form. The moment a person dies, 21 grams of body weight is lost. So what happens is that the soul leaves the body.
Let it be absolutely clear:
The outcome for today's civilization will be different, even if it looks dark. This is NOT the end of humanity. Nor is it the case that everything we have set up will be fixed by magic. What would we learn from it?
The point is that humanity must take responsibility, individually and collectively, for the balance to be restored. We are therefore faced with great challenges in the time to come, but the people will be able to manage it - completely in line with the source's plan.
Everything is logical, rational and intuitive
Many of you reading this will certainly have problems accepting what I am conveying. It's okay. In fact, it is a very central point in the process. And believe me: Just a year ago, I would have laughed very hard if someone had told me that I should do what I'm doing now. I have never had any desire or need to seek public attention in this way. That is one reason why I wanted to be an anonymous, writing journalist. The search for truth and justice has always been the driving force in me, not attention.
I therefore make no secret of the fact that this post requires all the courage I can muster, in combination with trust and acceptance of my own role in what is unfolding. Fortunately, everything can be understood and explained scientifically, mathematically and intuitively as it comes from the source of which we are all a part.
Universal knowledge unites us
The majority of humanity has always had an intuitive understanding that life is something more than what can be perceived and sensed. Wondering and the search for a deeper meaning in life is part of being human. We need look no further than ourselves to understand that we are created by an intelligence that surpasses all comprehension. If we also consider everything and everyone around us, and add that the earth is a grain of sand in an expanding universe, the grandeur becomes so overwhelming that it is difficult to take in.
If one studies all the patterns and cycles that repeat themselves, at all levels, in the universe, it is easy to see that everything follows a certain order and structure. The universe is of course not random. It is gigantic, planned and beautifully orchestrated, with mathematical precision.
A foretold event
Many people have been waiting for Jesus' second coming for a long time. This is a world event that has been foretold for a long time. The vast majority have also had an expectation that this arrival is about the person Jesus. This expectation probably comes from the fact that humanity has personified god/the source, which is clearly manifested in all the religions that exist.
Isn't it a paradox that the majority have a common, intuitive understanding that we are part of something bigger, while at the same time the need for the need to be right (faith) is the main cause of an unimaginable amount of division, hatred, war and bloodshed. This has also been justified, by both the one and the other, by adding: "In the name of God".
What if I told you that all historical events, from the individual level to the macro level, are planned and can be identified in the infinite calculation Pi/π?
The calculation in Pi is infinite, just like the universe at large. Pi is simply the divine plane of source.
All the religions and events are also in this plan. When you understand and accept that, you also understand that nothing is accidental. Everything happens for a reason. So even if one cannot see or understand the great plan, the acceptance will help humanity in the time to come.
144 and 144,000
Let's take a closer look at the divine numbers 144 and 144,000. These have significance in various religious movements and ancient prophetic belief systems. In the Bible, the 144,000 are referred to as 12 tribes of Israel, 12 kings and 12 queens, 12,000 each, a total of 144,000.
Jehovah's religion holds fast to the belief that the 144,000 represent the total number of saints who will ascend to heaven.
The 144,000 are mentioned in the ancient India Ramayana text. The book of Enoch speaks of the sudden appearance of 144,000 ascended masters on earth, who will transform the world and repel clouds of darkness.
The appearance of the 144,000 is also predicted in Native American prophecies. 144,000 enlightened masters of the Solar Dance would fully awaken in their dream body.
Emerald tablets predict the arrival of 144,000 light workers who will save the earth from dark forces at the end of the age of Kali Yuga.
In many ancient texts around the world, the 144,000 are described as angels incarnated in the human body to help support the ascension of the earth and humanity.
In The New Age Movement, the number 144,000 is represented by the number of people who came to earth many thousands of years ago, to stay through many lives and carry out a divine mission, under the command of Sanat Kumara.
The mystery of the soul's way back to the light
The number 144 and 144,000 refer to the supreme knowledge of the mysteries of the spiritual paths of life. It tells about the soul's path from matter back to light, about the mystery that is about being. The numerical code 144 co-creates the gates between the spiritual and material worlds.
The 144, 144,000, symbolizes mirror, emissary/emissary. The numbers connect the principles of "The unifield field formation".
The symbolism of 144 and 144,000 individual who wants to be a magician and "light" (first enlightened) healer, from the position of unity, the realization, both in matter and spiritual spheres. At the same time, it seems to lead us to the knowledge of the deepest laws of the universe's essence, energies and information fields. When consciously noticing the numbers 144 or 444 is a call to commit to your soul's purpose, lightwork and divine mission.
The speed of light - no coincidence
The speed of light is no accident. That is the magic speed of 144,000 nautical miles per second.
The word "light" in Jewish gematria=144.
The walls of New Jerusalem are 144 cubits high.
The New Jerusalem totals 144,000,000 "square furlongs".
The number of light is also 144. When passed through a prism of white light, it creates a rainbow, while consciousness uses the same principles to express broken light as the inner rainbow.
The Mayan Baktun has 144,000 days in it, which is equivalent to almost 400 tropical years.
The lunar calendar is 28 days 13 months 364 days a year in a 33.3 year cycle. 33.3x3x6x4 144000/99.9 = 144144144144 Calculus.
Lysets bane rundt jorden
Lys går i bane rundt jorden i rotasjonsvinkelmessige termer i forhold til 6,66 sykliske lyssykluser per sekund, noe som tilsvarer fantastiske 144.000 vinkelminutter per sekund.
Noen forskere mener det er 144 typer atomer i universet. 144.000 varianter per genom, antatt 144 genomvarianter.
Meridianer på kroppen 144.000 «poeng» av din åndelige struktur.
Ett kvadratisk menneskelig fotavtrykk inneholder nøyaktig 144 kvadrat (menneskelige) tommer.
Det er 1440 minutter i ett døgn.
144 fasetter
Det er et krystallinsk rutenett med 144 fasetter rundt jorden.
I følge det pythagoreiske systemet for numerisk filosofi, er tallet 144.000 redusert til 9, (1+4+4=9).
144 er første forekomst av 9 i Fibonacci-sekvensen (spiralkraft i naturen).
9 er antall orden, integrasjon, balanse og sannhet.
9 er trippeltriaden.
144=Fibonacci-spiral, sekvens og gylden middelverdi.
De seks dagene av skapelsen tilsvarer 144 timer.
1440 grader i oktaederet (luftelement i platoniske faste stoffer.
144 - gudommelig harmoni
144 sirkler (144 x 360) x 3600= mengde buesekunder x lyshastighet delt på lydhastighet= cirka-oktaver på 144 hz.
I musikk, ved å avstemme tonen «a» til 432 (harmonisk på 54, 108 og 25920/60), blir frekvensen til «D» 144 Hz.
Kosmisk bølge 144 x 3 = 432 Hz.
Frekvensen av 432 Hz resonnerer i perfekt harmoni med universet (144.000 sykluser per sekund)
144.000 kubikk cm (kongelig alen) vann=144 kg (1.000 kubikk cm vann til 1 kg).
Vann, fordampning: 144.000 skal stige/fordampe.
Gull fikk en kovalent radius på 144 pikometre.
144 er det 12. Fibonacci-nummer.
666 og 777
De første 144 sifrene i pi, til sammen=666. Dette tallet er faktisk representert som Modergudinnens tall, mens Guds tall er 777.
I menneskekroppen har vi 1 pinealkjertel i sentrum av 12 sett med kranienerver som går ut til de 144.000 nerveendene.
De 144.000 kronbladene til hovedchakraet eller koronalen (plassert på toppen av kraniet) representerer de 144.000 lysstrålene som stammer fra alle de syv chakraene (eller energisentrene til den åndelige kroppen) utplassert og balansert; eller igjen de 144.000 vibrasjonene til den guddommelige skapelsen som reiser i kosmos og er kilden til livet.
Den hellige gral-beger var en hellig kalk og hadde 144.000 fasetter av moldavitt i kalken.
144 achenenic cells
There are 144 achene cells in the thymus gland. These cells never die. Achene cells are infinite cells. So if we were to enter the (literal and metaphorical) thymus gland, we would facilitate immortality. The thymus plays a major role in managing the immune system.
The Egyptians/Khemetians supposedly correlated the crown chakra (soul star chakra) with the thymus gland.
The Great Pyramid originally had 144,000 covering stones. Using the pyramidal inch, the external volume of the tomb of the King's Room in the Great Pyramid gives 144,000 cubic inches.
Pharaoh Tutankhamen had 143 objects in his tomb, his body being the 144th.
The Mayan ruler Pacal also identified with the code of 144,000 numbers and connected it with the symbolism of the opposite tetrahedrons.
The nine-step Mayan pyramid often leads stairs with 72 steps. This is a wonderful symbolism, because during the ceremony it is necessary to go up 72 steps and down 72 behind consciousness and behind light. So a total of 144 symbolic stairs back and forth.
The sum of all angels in a tetrahedron =720.
In the dul tetrahedron (Merkaba-Star of David) it is 1440.
When people love, their electromagnetic fields melt together. The electrical spiral force, the "coil of the serpent" (kundalini) is speirêma, a word that gives the number 444 in gematria.
The magnetic blanket of the Sun has a minimum of 144,000 electromagnetic loop lines at the North and South Poles extending outward into its unified field, showing the Sun's auric emission to the solar corona.
144,000 light books
The number 144,000 is deeply embedded in the Akashic Records of Earth. There are 144,000 light books.
In theosophy, all the seeds and offspring of the monad make up what we call our oversoul. Therefore, for the Oversoul, we understand it to encompass the entire range of soul extensions that make up our family of light.
A human monad can have twelve souls as monadic extensions, and these twelve souls can in turn expand to have up to twelve souls of their own. Altogether, the monad can vibrate and experience itself on the plane of individuality in 144 different aspects of itself.
The monad is just like a diamond with 144 facets, all connected and vibrating in unison as one.
144,000 twin flames
Today, only 144,000 twin flames are incarnated on earth.
However, all humans have a twin flame, even if not all are incarnated here, now.
Those twin flames who have not yet found each other will do so in time to come.
According to certain esoteric, ascension and mystery teachings, the number 144,000 is very important in changing the vibration of the planet. The 144,000 is the symbolic numerical representation of the approximate number of individuals with unity consciousness required to radically transform the earth.
God's frequency, carried by the 144,000, is a mythical and metaphorical number for the amount of people required to be internally awake and liberated within themselves, for light and love to then spread rapidly to all life on earth
When 144,000 people gather, or meet in global meditation, with the same purpose, a new vibration is created that can change the vibration of the entire planet.
"Christ Consciousness"
144,000 is a very critical figure. To have an effective change we need 144,000 frequencies and energies. If you could bring the vibration into the consciousness of 144,000 people, you would change the frequency of the earth.
The number is important because of the frequency. There are 144,000 souls in the Christ vibration, who hold the electromagnetic blueprint for the planet. 144,000 is the number of souls that must achieve Christ Consciousness to reactivate the Christ Light into the Christ Nets to transform and heal Mother Earth and humanity.
The 144,000 are enlightened guides who have incarnated to help humanity fully align and establish itself in 5th-dimensional consciousness, also known as Christ consciousness.
144K are the spiritual elders and spiritual masters.
144K souls = 72K souls are the Twin Flames of the other 72K, making up the Chosen 144K.
The Sacred Holy Grail
The energies of "the Goddess and God" will create a spark of awakening in members of "The Order of The Star", who are incarnated souls of Lightworkers and Light Warriors with The Sacred Holy Grail.
These energies will align the 144,000 incarnated souls into a sacred geometry mandala so that each soul will occupy its proper position that will be necessary for that soul to carry out its mission before and during and after the event that is also referred to as "The Great Awakening". "The second coming of Christ - Christ Consciousness"
This group must ascend (expand consciousness) so that the rest of Earth's inhabitants can follow.
Approximately 144,000 people, who live in unconditional love, thus have a central role in humanity's evolutionary process.
Activation of 10 DNA strands
Until now, humans have only had two active DNA strands, while the other 10 have been dormant. The activation involves an exceptional expansion of consciousness. The DNA is first activated for the 144,000 who will then light the way for the rest.
The 144,000 are twin flames: 72,000 women and 72,000 men.
12 active DNA strands in women + active 12 DNA strands in men = 144.
When all these have found their way back to each other, RE-union, they are balanced in perfect harmony.
12x12=144=a new human being
The conception of a new child is a sacred act of creation where 12 female/yin DNA strands unite with 12 male/yang DNA strands = 144.
Jesus' incarnation was the first initiation (divine kick) for the DNA activation.
Advent is 24 days (12+12).
The countdown (three days) to the official start of "The Great Awakening", i.e. "The second coming of Christ/Christ Consciousness".
On Christmas Eve at at 22:22, we celebrated the start of "The second coming of Christ".
Remember the quote from Jesus: "The truth shall set you free".
More than ever, it is important that you, and everyone else, learn to trust yourself. Remember that your truth is not necessarily the same for everyone else during this process. Everyone's path is unique and individual. In the advent calendar, I have given you some tips on how you can practice using your intuition in combination with logic and rational thinking. In the last bullet point, there is a film recording of the sermon I gave last Sunday with calendar partner Runar Foss Sjåstad.
Our collective destiny is heaven on earth.
The operating system is unconditional love.
I AM Piqpi and am warrior of light.
In the coming updates I will explain more about my role in this event.
I cannot be bought
Journalism, universal knowledge and insight must be shared for free to ensure that everybody have access to such information.
I greatly appreciate voluntary donations as it is these that ensure my ability to continue the work.
I do not receive state support/press support, advertisements, sponsors or subscription solutions because my integrity is crucial. I also don't accept news tips because I don't like being pushed. It's part of the concept.
All my content can be passed on and refined, as long as it follows the win-win concept and my donation solution is included in the presentation